My first take and it is a hot one..Osama bin Laden is GoNe

I am starting my news and current affairs blog with the sensational news of Osama Bin Laden being killed in an early morning/nighttime surprise raid. Social media have been buzzing on the overdrive since the time the news leaked out. Lots and lots of questions and no answers.Speculations. Controversies. Issues. Unbelievable and difficult to believe that one of the major instigators of  terrorist acts is no more.

Amongst the major surprises was the  discovery of the fact that OBL was hiding out in a mansion near the military training academy, on the outskirts of Islamabad, Pakistan. Though there were rumors always that he was hiding out somewhere in the Af-Pak boundary, this event confirms it in a rather shocking manner.  The question rises then how was he hidden from public view so successfully? And how could the administration be unaware of his residence?

The  meticulousness of the attack indicates it was well and extensively planned and surprisingly kept under wraps.Till it occured, there was not an inkling in the air that OBL was in residence in the area, Abbottabad.  President Obama in his speech clearly states that the operation was entirely and completely an US organised operation and does not involve the Pak govt in anyway.  Reports by various agencies indicate the role of  a specialised american team  in this task.

DNA analysis has confirmed that the body was that of OBL. Further there are conflicting reports on whether the body has been buried or not. Which raises the question of why the body has not been displayed for the media?

The most important question, in my view, is how it would impact the current terrorist movements across globe. It is possible that there may be a vicious return attack or resurgence in terrorist activities, directed against the US and its allies. It may also have a negative effect on the morale of terrorists and their supporters. In either case, it is too early to assume that terrorism will die out. This is just one OBL. What about the many undiscovered OBLs out there ? For the U.S., this is of significance because it comes as justice for the September 2001 attacks and wll bring in a sense of closure for the people who are still suffering the aftermath. The tone of the statement of Pres Obama indicates it as an entirely US centric exercise- for the US people but how does the rest of the world benefits from this or would they benefit in any way? Is it  fruitful or useful for the rest of the world to celebrate this ? A question somebody highlighted in twitter is the impunity with which the US conducted this exercise. Does it not ring alarm bells for people who look to the US for support and aid? Events in the middle east also raises questions about western interventions for a cause,outside of them, being really  helpful in the long term

Important questions for countries which are victims of terrorism as to how to deal with terrorists and supporters of terrorists. There are no easy ways to deal with them. If you are eager to listen to them, you are considered too soft and if you dont listen to them at all, you are considered as hardline.  How do you achieve a balance? At the same time, it is very important to reassure the citizens that you are serious about defending your country and standing up to terrorists. Nothing should compromise the country’s security.

The coming few days will bring about a spate of theories, denials, corroborations, exaggerations etc. What is true may be a miniscule substance in the spate of information coming out and has to be taken with a measured sense of scepticism. And the aftereffects of this event has to be awaited out.

Kings, Queens and Princesses :Viable or Redundant ?

The recent wedding of Prince William with Kate Middleton in England, now the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, captured the imaginations of millions around the world. Not only britons watched on the streets and on television, the rest of the word joined in, through the live telecast by BBC and you tube and were discussing it on twitter and Facebook. The guests’ arrival, their dresses and hats, the ceremony and the brides’ dress were watched with a glee and gusto quite surprising and bewildering. Nearly 2,000, 000 viewers globally watched the telecast. I was also caught up in the excitement, the main reason being a sense of satisfaction seeing two young people in love getting married and beginning their journey together, especially given the backgrounds they originate from.

Many questions were raised and imprinted in my mind after watching the ceremony and the numerous responses across the social media and online media. It seems incongruous that in the times of twitter, iPAD, Facebook, social media, and scientific and technological advancements, people are still fascinated with the prince weds princess stories and are craving to watch them proceed through the ceremony in the historically important and awe-inspiring Westminster abbey, go around in the carriage and waving at the public from the grand old palace (breathtaking, I must say).Yet, it happened. Touching scenes of britons, adoring their beloved royals, waiting for them patiently, really moved me as well as the amount of public interest generated across the net-o-sphere, ( including Indians and other members of the ex-colonies). This raised the question what is the reason for our fascination?

Why are we so fascinated with age old concepts like royalty, palaces, monarchies, tales of prince and princesses in this modern age? For that matter, why do I keep reading old literary classics set in bygone eras, which have atleast no relevance in today’s times.And yet I do and I miss the bygone and fast disappearing traditions/customs. What is it that we are looking for or we feel we are afraid of losing or we want to hold onto? Is it traditions? Traditions, as can be seen, through this event and many other similar events taking place in the world, give a sense of comfort, a sense of security in a fast changing world. A world, buffeted by strife, troubles, economic crises and rapid changes and dissolution of societal rules and ethics and facing uncertainities. That is why for example, in my view, royalty is revered in so many places like Japan and Thailand.

But while, they do give comfort and stability, how relevant are these symbols of a different era to the present world? This is not an easy question to answer. There are people who will take either sides in this debate. When I mean relevance, I mean relevance as in terms of economy, meaning to society, adding value to today’s time, culture and rapidly evolving global society. for e.g. it is widely known that the Prince of Wales supports many charities. Their active participation in social causes may also be beneficial.Most of the important figures are always associated with some or other causes. In times of stress and turbulence, their presence gives some consolation and support in the form of authority and safeguard and emotional support. In crises, emotional support and building up resilience.

Most importantly,they also symbolize national pride and the patriotic instincts of people and a symbol of unity especially when nowadays most countries live under the threat of revolts, terrorists, social change,and other agents of discord. They serve to remind people about the glorious past and history and to remind them to take pride in them. But history is history and what about the future?

The future of these symbols are no longer so secure as before. Changes are taking place in many places. Nepal, for example. People looking for a more egalitarian society are opposing these structures. The younger generation may hold these structures as no longer in tune with them.

The continuous existence and survival of these systems would require them to be a part of the current times.It requires the adherents to be adaptable and to lessen the gap between them and the people. To reduce the feeling that they may be parasitic on the ordinary people.

In my view, the future would be charted out by how the young generations take up their role as part of the old guard and at the same time representing the modern generation. That would be the challenge for William and Kate, as well as other modern day ‘aristocrats’ who represents the bridging of the gap. This young couple show a lot of promise and hope and their balancing of the age old traditions and the modernity,which they represents would be widely watched. In this respect, there would be heightened expectations on them and the pressures of inevitable comparisons to their famous and less happier parents. Will they survive or be stifled under the pressures of public surveillance and family pressures?

Let us hope for the the best. In the meantime, let us enjoy and reliven the tale of a modern day prince and princess, who fell in love and got married