You and Me

He was Me  and I was He,

Joined together for eternity

So we believed,

It would be the one true end.

Fate thought otherwise,

Played with our lives,

like puppets on a string,

Merged and then swept away..

by the rivers of  rain and pain,

Sinking and drowning,

Almost submerged.

somehow we clung and hung together,

and struck a beach,rolled in love’s arms,

we refused to leave.

And as we embraced,it came  pouring out.

How we were never together,Then how can we be apart.

What must have driven us so far,we  did’nt know.

It pains and distresses me every second,

now knowing that he was suffering and pretending to smile.

All the while.

I cannot bear this pain I am carrying,

of a love untold and cannot be told,

eternal pregnancy of love.

Just accepting him ,

Just wish i could let him know,

I love him much more than he knows.

I just want him to bury his pain,

but his pride would ‘nt free him so.

I respect him for that, and for that every secondi will die and die.

Love of my heart.

already given my heart

there is no taking it back

you can do whatever you like with it.

Just dont let me see it back.

Give it to charity or to an orphanage

Sell it if you want

But use it till it bleeds dry

Use it till it knows its job is done.

side by side, hand in hand

together we will strive

and face those stormy clouds

those winds and floods

As You and Me.


What would I do if I left twitter

Been thinking of many doomsday things recently.

What would I do if the world were to end on the morrow? What would I do if my life came crashing down? What would I do if I decided to quit my whole life as it is now……? Is my life going the way it should be? All these questions slowed my heart down …increased the stress levels..because I do not have a clue to the answers..and I dare not imagine  the answers.

So after banging my head for sometime, on these presently unfathomable questions, I changed tacks and  I decided to ask a totally frivolous question, for which I can hopefully , seek  out answers and  possibly, find them..

What would I be doing now, If I decided to leave twitter?

Now, there I can see blessed satisfaction coming..A whole cartload of answers.

Twitter ~I have no words to describe what this single word  means for me. My joy and My agony. My Frustration and My satisfaction. Pairs of opposites in harmony. As you can see, my obsession with this word, goes beyond the superficial.

Formerly used to indicate the light quivering sounds produced by birds or the non stop, light, high pitched chatter by garrulous ladies, or the idle talk in a drawing room, now synonymous with virtual chattering between people across the world. communication.exchanges. relationships.advertising.propaganda.

Twitter has revolutionised life as we know it. Instantaneous news as it happens. The feeling of being linked across to myriad souls, whom we may not meet in real life or we may meet. The feeling of knowing kindred souls as in our thoughts and words, lie our real us. The being in sync with happenings. Of course, it has also generated an artificial feeling of self-importance, which is swollen into arrogance when you have increasing number of “followers” and you have a lot of  “re-tweets”. In addition, it too has its own class and societal divide. Hence, I would prefer to call it as a “microcosm” of the real world. And, therein lies its charm and seduction. Its power.

It is now a staple part of my life. I need to be in touch with it, most times of the day. (Another time, About the Basics of Tweeting, whats, whys, when’s etc). So, I wondered what would happen if I left twitter now….

Let me start with the pinks first…

I will not have to sit like a zombie, in front of my laptop, watching the world go by.

I will not scream and yell when twitter announces that ” it is over capacity”

My blood pressure will not go up when I see something unpleasant tweeted out. At all the unpleasantness and unhappiness in the world..

I won’t have the urge to go and whack it over the head of somebody in my TL, who has tweeted something which i don’t like.

I will not feel like displaying my  temper tantrums and rages.

I will not pulling out one of my fellow tweep’s hair on a/c of being irritated.

I will not be agonised by being “twitterjailed”

I will lose the compulsion of random verbalizing my thoughts

I will stop feeling like being nasty to some one who takes issues with me.

I will stop looking at my followers list.

I will stop feeling heartbroken when i see my unfollows.

I don’t have to worry about being stalked. or being harassed. or abused.

I will stop feeling like stomping on my unfollowers.

I don’t have to put up with so-called “twitterati” arrogance.

I will stop having the desperate need to draw attention to myself..

I will stop thinking in terms of hashtags and trending topics.

I will stop devising the next #TT in my mind..

I will stop the violent anger rising inside me when somebody tells me to stop tweeting and start living.

I can live and breathe. enjoy the flowers and the wind. Go outside my home.explore the world. Smell the Smells. Love the Sun. Appreciate it a million times more.

I can remember to brush my tooth, go to the loo, put my dresses correctly. I can eat properly.

Save my power and energy. Conserve my laptop’s life.

Yeah.Yeah.Yeah.I will look out of the window. And see the sky.

And what about the blues, the sad, sad blues……

Life will come to a dead-end.

I would feel empty and lifeless.

I will miss my friends. Those greetings. Those hellos. Those jokes and gaalis. Those abuses 🙂 given and taken.

I will miss my daily diet of the world (newspapers are there, but i am conserving the environment by saving paper)

I will miss TOI-LET RUBBISH  and KRK’s tweets. I will miss KRK bashers’ tweets.

I will miss the endless gossip.

I will miss the idiosyncracies of celebs and the power of giving it to them 🙂

I will miss the twitter wars. The Battle of the tweeple. The Fight for who is right. The Fight to state who is wrong.

The battle of the left, right and the centre.

I will miss developing my world view and my opinions and learning to view other people’s thoughts and develop tolerance.

I will miss my mentions.

I will miss those daily endless cups of #chai and gaana-waana.

Those bonds, those hugs and those words.

I will miss the urge of peeping into my TL every five minutes. (er ..TL refers to TimeLine in twitter lingua)

I will miss those lovely wonderfully sentimental/angry/funny/lovable tweets.

I will miss being a part of the freedom to air our deepest thoughts freely and with  no charge (except for an occasional tweetbashing).

I will miss the lovely feeling of life when I go online and see my favorite tweeps’ thoughts and presence.

I will miss the chance of being entirely true to myself at least in one area in my life.

I will miss the chance of being connected to people, things, places that i love.

i will miss everything which i said i will not miss, previously.

In fact Connections.

Many of us are blessed with the ability of going on in life without friends and companionship.  But I am  not, one of the lucky ones. and so I will miss that which has made my life so happy in recent times.

The ability to connect, talk, communicate, share my thoughts and share and empathise with others also.

Thanks to Twitter. for making this possible. To give voice to the voiceless and to the shy. To help in letting go inhibitions and be fearless.

And so the question rages : WHAT WOULD I BE DOING IF I LEFT TWITTER?





and my returning answer would be  How early can I return to twitter, when I  have left it?

And so the tweeting goes on ~~~~~~~~~~~~

What would I be doing if I left twitter?

Been thinking of many doomsday things recently.

What would I do if the world were to end on the morrow? What would I do if my life came crashing down? What would I do if I decided to quit my whole life as it is now……? Is my life going the way it should be? All these questions slowed my heart down …increased the stress levels..because I do not have a clue to the answers..and I dare not imagine  the answers.

So after banging my head for sometime, on these presently unfathomable questions, I changed tacks and  I decided to ask a totally frivolous question, for which I can hopefully , seek  out answers and  possibly, find them..

What would I be doing now, If I decided to leave twitter?

Now, there I can see blessed satisfaction coming..A whole cartload of answers.

Twitter ~I have no words to describe what this single word  means for me. My joy and My agony. My Frustration and My satisfaction. Pairs of opposites in harmony. As you can see, my obsession with this word, goes beyond the superficial.

Formerly used to indicate the light quivering sounds produced by birds or the non stop, light, high pitched chatter by garrulous ladies, or the idle talk in a drawing room, now synonymous with virtual chattering between people across the world. communication.exchanges. relationships.advertising.propaganda.

Twitter has revolutionised life as we know it. Instantaneous news as it happens. The feeling of being linked across to myriad souls, whom we may not meet in real life or we may meet. The feeling of knowing kindred souls as in our thoughts and words, lie our real us. The being in sync with happenings. Of course, it has also generated an artificial feeling of self-importance, which is swollen into arrogance when you have increasing number of “followers” and you have a lot of  “re-tweets”. In addition, it too has its own class and societal divide. Hence, I would prefer to call it as a “microcosm” of the real world. And, therein lies its charm and seduction. Its power.

It is now a staple part of my life. I need to be in touch with it, most times of the day. (Another time, About the Basics of Tweeting, whats, whys, whens etc). So, I wondered what would happen if I left twitter now….

Let me start with the pinks first…

I will not have to sit like a zombie, in front of my laptop, watching the world go by.

I will not scream and yell when twitter announces that ” it is over capacity”

My blood pressure will not go up when I see something unpleasent tweeted out. At all the unpleasantness and unhappiness in the world..

I won’t have the urge to go and whack it over the head of somebody in my TL, who has tweeted something which i don’t like.

I will not feel like displaying my  temper tantrums and rages.

I will not pulling out one of my fellow tweep’s hair on a/c of being irritated.

I will not be agonised by being “twitterjailed”

I will lose the compulsion of random verbalising my thoughts

I will stop feeling like being nasty to some one who takes issues with me.

I will stop looking at my followers list.

I will stop feeling heartbroken when i see my unfollows.

I dont have to worry about being stalked. or being harassed. or abused.

I will stop feeling like stomping on my unfollowers.

I don’t have to put up with so called “twitterati” arrogance.

I will stop having the desperate need to draw attention to myself..

I will stop thinking in terms of hashtags and trending topics.

I will stop devising the next #TT in my mind..

I will stop the violent anger rising inside me when somebody tells me to stop tweeting and start living.

I can live and breathe. enjoy the flowers and the wind. Go outside my home.explore the world. Smell the Smells. Love the Sun. Appreciate it a million times more.

I can remember to brush my tooth, go to the loo, put my dresses correctly. I can eat properly.

Save my power and energy. Conserve my laptop’s life.

Yeah.Yeah.Yeah.I will look out of the window. And see the sky.

And what about the blues, the sad, sad blues……

Life will come to a dead-end.

I would feel empty and lifeless.

I will miss my friends. Those greetings. Those hellos. Those jokes and gaalis. Those abuses 🙂 given and taken.

I will miss my daily diet of the world (newspapers are there, but i am conserving the environment by saving paper)

I will miss TOI-LET RUBBISH  and KRK’s tweets. I will miss KRK bashers’s tweets.

I will miss the endless gossip.

I will miss the idiosyncracies of celebs and the power of giving it to them 🙂

I will miss the twitter wars. The Battle of the tweeple. The Fight for who is right. The Fight to state who is wrong.

The battle of the left, right and the centre.

I will miss developing my world view and my opinions and learning to view other people’s thoughts and develop tolerance.

I will miss my mentions.

I will miss those daily endless cups of #chai and gaana-waana.

Those bonds, those hugs and those words.

I will miss the urge of peeping into my TL every five minutes. (er ..TL refers to TimeLine in twitter lingua)

I will miss those lovely wonderfully sentimental/angry/funny/lovable tweets.

I will miss being a part of the freedom to air our deepest thoughts freely and with  no charge (except for an occasional tweetbashing).

I will miss the lovely feeling of life when I go online and see my favorite tweeps’ thoughts and presence.

I will miss the chance of being entirely true to myself atleast in one area in my life.

I will miss the chance of being connected to people, things, places that i love.

i will miss everything which i said i will not miss, previously.

In fact Connections.

Many of us are blessed with the ability of going on in life without friends and companionship.  But I am  not, one of the lucky ones. and so I will miss that which has made my life so happy in recent times.

The ability to connect, talk, communicate, share my thougts and share and empathise with others also.

Thanks to Twitter. for making this possible. To give voice to the voiceless and to the shy. To help in letting go inhibitions and be fearless.

And so the question rages : WHAT WOULD I BE DOING IF I LEFT TWITTER?





and my returning answer would be  How early can I return to twitter, when I  have left it?

And so the tweeting goes on ~~~~~~~~~~~~

A tribute

It began as a small dot on a soft  smooth  surface. Rather, it began inside a bag like structure, a deep penetrating structure in a land of softness. All Around.

Nourished by waves of slimy sticky substances. It grew. slowly. micrometers.

It grew in length. It needed to see the world. layers were coated onto it. It grew in thickness.

Shiny and Soft.

It grew and grew. Longer and Longer. Like an expanding stalactite.

Stretched and Stretched. like an elastic band. Until its smooth, tapering end, could feel the breeze.

There were thousands of them, all loving the breeze. all gently swaying. in unison.

Stroke them, you can feel the smoothness.

They tickle you, protect you, caress you, defend you, they guard you.

Too  much , it repels

Too less, pitiable.

without it a desert.

Full of it, a veritable forest.

A veritable crowning glory for some.

Odes have been written in praise of its beauty

Enjoy it, love it, praise it, appreciate it

Dont regret having or losing it.

This beautiful creation

called H__R