30 days of blogging honesty ~ Day 9~ Excess change does not equal excess charity

Day 09 — When the cashier gives me this amount of money for change I know it’s too much money to dump in the charity bucket…

Yea, sometimes being given excess change is a problem. Because it is difficult to give all of it to charity. Most of us are average earning people, if not lesser. We may need to conserve our money especially when we have kids. So we need to save even those pennies obtained as change. As they say, a penny saved is a penny earned.

Charity should be according to our capacity. We cannot give what we do not have. Trying to stand up to a false image of yourself as an exceedingly charitable person without any acceptance of ground realities is foolish. We give when we can and as we can and as we are comfortable with.

The same for the excess change. Do give for charity in a reasonable fashion.

Please check out the blogs of the following friends who are also participating in the 30 days blogging honesty ~( via @TomBaker ) This initiative is due to Tom and CherlynCochrane

BannatreasuresTom Baker  SajeevHappyhippierose*Everything Love & LustAurathenaMelanieMarliz3eTheFerkelPrysmatiqueAnonymousBurnCarolineKoiSylvia GarzaMarianaNenskeiMyNakedBokkie,BluefiadiarriesVeehCirraPrincesa MusangDLonelyStar*TemptingSweets99LJTerriblethinkerSleep and SalamiPrimadonna Zel*Sofia, and Cherlyn Cochrane

30 days of blogging honesty ~ Day 8~ My favorite artwork

Day 08 — If I could afford it, the piece of famous artwork you would find in my home is 

Raphael’s Madonna and Child.

Madonna of Loreto or Madonna of the Veil
Madonna of Loreto or Madonna of the Veil (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Frankly it is really difficult to decide, because there are so many wonderful artworks out there. But I have a weakness for mother and child pictures. And Raphael’s artistry was in the beautiful , serene faces he drew. The relationship between a mother and a chilld transcends every other and is supremely pure.That is symbolised here. In addition, the religious significance. Infant Jesus being carried by the Mother Mary.

In addition, I also love admiring the many beautiful nudes painted by these great artists which tastefully and beautifully displays the appreciation for the beauty of the human body.

Please check out the blogs of the following friends who are also participating in the 30 days blogging honesty ~( via @TomBaker ) This initiative is due to Tom and CherlynCochrane

BannatreasuresTom Baker  SajeevHappyhippierose*Everything Love & LustAurathenaMelanieMarliz3eTheFerkelPrysmatiqueAnonymousBurnCarolineKoiSylvia GarzaMarianaNenskeiMyNakedBokkie,BluefiadiarriesVeehCirraPrincesa MusangDLonelyStar*TemptingSweets99LJTerriblethinkerSleep and SalamiPrimadonna Zel*Sofia, and Cherlyn Cochrane

Will you be a candle?

A candle burns for a while and consumes itself.

a candle (eine Kerze)
Image via Wikipedia

During the short life it has, it brings light to countless lives.

It brightens up darkness.

Its glow throws a wide arc.

Its warmth is a comfort. It gives a sense of security.

Even in this day of electricity, there is something incredibly soothing and blissful about a candle.

One can traverse into the deep and dark with the comforting aid of a candle.

One can explore the unknown with the help of a candle.

One can ferret out the hidden using a candle.

One can be transported to a different world with a candle.

Shadows and light on the wall.

The flickering flame edge, ebbs, leaps and grows.

It sways with the breeze.

The thin smoke draws patterns in the air

It subsides as it uses itself up.

A candle silently burns its up for the sake of others.

Will you  be a candle in some one’s life? or atleast a candle holder?

A tribute

It began as a small dot on a soft  smooth  surface. Rather, it began inside a bag like structure, a deep penetrating structure in a land of softness. All Around.

Nourished by waves of slimy sticky substances. It grew. slowly. micrometers.

It grew in length. It needed to see the world. layers were coated onto it. It grew in thickness.

Shiny and Soft.

It grew and grew. Longer and Longer. Like an expanding stalactite.

Stretched and Stretched. like an elastic band. Until its smooth, tapering end, could feel the breeze.

There were thousands of them, all loving the breeze. all gently swaying. in unison.

Stroke them, you can feel the smoothness.

They tickle you, protect you, caress you, defend you, they guard you.

Too  much , it repels

Too less, pitiable.

without it a desert.

Full of it, a veritable forest.

A veritable crowning glory for some.

Odes have been written in praise of its beauty

Enjoy it, love it, praise it, appreciate it

Dont regret having or losing it.

This beautiful creation

called H__R